Saturday, October 18, 2014

Packing our Bags for India

Within 2 1/2 weeks we take off half way around the world to serve our Lord Jesus Christ in India!
So many people have stepped up to support us financially and spiritually. God has so richly blessed us through each of our donors and His constant guidance. Through your support and God's blessings our small power team of 7 will serve 500 women at the three day conference, sponsor 2 mercy camps and place 7 water wells: yes you have donated 7 wells which will save lives and bless 7 villages for years to come! Alleluia! We are also praying for the ability and the funds bless and serve the leper community.  You may not be "feet on the ground" but believe us, you are part of our team and we are taking you with us in our hearts! We will be posting pictures and updates each night and we covet your prayers along the way.

During this past 9 months we have experienced many life situations to distract us and challenge the depth of our faith, in fact, 2 of our team have faced harsh situations where they've found it necessary to step back from this years mission. Our world is buzzing with disease, inclement weather and war. But we are not afraid!  We have His promise: Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." We are totally trusting our Lord to provide whatever we need every step of the way, just as he has been faithful to do all along.

Come along with us, won't you and see what God has prepared for us to accomplish, all for His Glory!
November 6-18, 2014