Thursday, November 27, 2014

Colette's India Update

Namaste!  India was an amazing journey for me.  I feel like God stripped me to my bare soul and all my thoughts are new.  Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone and into a different environment to really see what life is all about.  The people of India are so beautiful.  Their open and humble spirit is so much a part of their culture.  I was always greeted with warmth and kindness.

Seeing the dire poverty firsthand put the reason for this trip into perspective.  We went to India to meet needs that were spiritual, emotional and physical.  We met spiritual needs hosting a three day womens conference. We preached, encouraged, served communion and showed them love and freedom that is found in following Christ.  We met emotional needs by hugs, smiles, and gentle touches. Prayer was given to any who asked. Though there was a language barrier the power of touch speaks what the heart feels.  We met physical needs as food was distributed at two mercy camps, two leper camps, the conference and funds purchased five water wells bringing fresh water to villages.

Harvest India is an amazing organization that meets so many needs of the people.  I experinced how a small amount of money can accomplish great things when given to further God's kingdom.



Friday, November 14, 2014

Mary Beth's Blog

It has been an amazing few days. I confess I was a bit nervous right before we left- mostly about the 30 hour travel time! But we all survived, and the time actually went by fairly quickly. It was a great time of reunion with Sue and Collette, and of getting to know the other team members as well. (One of us watched 5 movies on the plane – I won’t tell who) Since we’ve arrived it’s been one wonderful experience after another.The Kumars and the staff are so welcoming and accommodating.We are very busy every day. I am most impressed by the fact that Harvest India touches so many practical needs in the community but also is heavily invested in educating the Deleit people, in particular the girls. We have toured a school, toured the college that is being built for 600 women, and attended a graduation celebration for the nursing students, that included wonderful dance performance.And much , much more! I loved our visit with the elders. There were about 15 living in a 2 room house. We asked them to pray for us and for God to move .What an outpouring!It was amazing! So much to share!  God is blessing us and our mission.  Please continue to pray for God’s favor here in Tenali.

Love you!  Mary Beth

Conference Highlights From Marlyn

Conference Points to Ponder:

The experience was far too magnificent to capture in a posting. Here are some highlights, in no particular order, Dancing with our Gypsy sisters which I would love to discuss in detail when I get home.

The Gypsy woman kissing my feet

Dancing with our Gypsy sisters

Women laying hands on one another in prayer as we modeled praying for one another

HI Leader men following our model as well Swaroop and Daniel

Carli, an American resident, being blessed by American worship/teachings

Muslim newlyweds coming forward at altar call and surrendering their lives to follow Jesus

Non Christian nursing students coming and hearing the name of Jesus for the first time and wanting to know more

Volume of women growing daily, hourly. Moving their in chairs closer each day

Sues 840 glow sticks from Michaels

Nails bought by the pound



Praying against the fear of the impending cyclone

Weather wind/rain

Names of Jesus worksheet

Indian Sisters following in God’s Word with us

Singing Sadaa ka la mu, Yea Sa ya together

Marlyn's Moses

His Amazing Grace

We are experiencing God’s presence over and over again

Marlyn’s Moses –our team visited the HIV /Aids Hospital where her dear friend, Dr Kishore, works tirelessly serving God’s afflicted in India. Our team visited each patient and shared the picture books made from the calendars our friends had donated. Our hope is that these simple pictures will help to fill the long hours. Marlyn met one very special man, Moses. He was very weak and sad as he laid with an IV flowing in his arm. Sharing the book, Marlyn told him about the pictures of God’s creation. She told him he too was God’s creation, and in fact God’s masterpiece. She could see he was struggling to breathe and ask if he’d like prayer, with a gentle nod from Moses, she laid her hand on his chest, reached up to heaven and began to pray for healing and claimed this precious soul for God’s kingdom.  When she looked up into Moses big brown eyes, she felt God call her to lean over and kiss his forehead. In obedience, and against all cultural rules of India, she put the kiss of Christ on Moses. His countenance instantly changed. His face filled with tears and he began to speak uncontrollably in Telegu. The interpreter told Marlyn this man had just received Christ and that Moses said “This kiss was only thing I needed” Humbled, blessed to be a blessing.  .

Monday, November 10, 2014

Miranda shares her journey

2 days ago the lord opened me to new wonders. The children at the well I dedicated laughed and smiled as they threw yellow flowers at us. When I would dance with the children their faces filled with joy. When I cut the ribbon to the well there was a roar of cheer. Although there were only about 100 people, the cheers sounded like that of thousands. The orphanage was a great blessing for me. The children were so happy and their hearts gave me joy. They were a family for each other. When Marlyn said they had a young person speaking to then the room got even happier. The next day was spiritually impacting on my heart. We traveled to the AIDs hospice and there were two young girls. When I first walked in they were unhappy and filled with great pain. I went an sat with them and showed them the picture pop-up book. Slowly as we talked and played with each other, they got happier and happier. We even sang “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”. When I left I cried. I cried for them as well.

                                                                                                                             By: Miranda McCrum

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Praising God for safe journey here after 30 hours travel!! Our first day of ministrt was very fulfilling and if we had to go home today the trip has already been worth the journey. We are all in good health and after a good night's rest we are on our way to worship in the new Harvest India church.

Amongst our ministries yesterday included, our first kercy camp,  a visit to DR. Kinshore's medical office, and participating in the nursing college graduation ceremony.   Please enjoythese pictures from last night and continue to pray for the glory of God's Kingdom in all we do!