Friday, November 14, 2014

Marlyn's Moses

His Amazing Grace

We are experiencing God’s presence over and over again

Marlyn’s Moses –our team visited the HIV /Aids Hospital where her dear friend, Dr Kishore, works tirelessly serving God’s afflicted in India. Our team visited each patient and shared the picture books made from the calendars our friends had donated. Our hope is that these simple pictures will help to fill the long hours. Marlyn met one very special man, Moses. He was very weak and sad as he laid with an IV flowing in his arm. Sharing the book, Marlyn told him about the pictures of God’s creation. She told him he too was God’s creation, and in fact God’s masterpiece. She could see he was struggling to breathe and ask if he’d like prayer, with a gentle nod from Moses, she laid her hand on his chest, reached up to heaven and began to pray for healing and claimed this precious soul for God’s kingdom.  When she looked up into Moses big brown eyes, she felt God call her to lean over and kiss his forehead. In obedience, and against all cultural rules of India, she put the kiss of Christ on Moses. His countenance instantly changed. His face filled with tears and he began to speak uncontrollably in Telegu. The interpreter told Marlyn this man had just received Christ and that Moses said “This kiss was only thing I needed” Humbled, blessed to be a blessing.  .

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