Thursday, November 27, 2014

Colette's India Update

Namaste!  India was an amazing journey for me.  I feel like God stripped me to my bare soul and all my thoughts are new.  Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone and into a different environment to really see what life is all about.  The people of India are so beautiful.  Their open and humble spirit is so much a part of their culture.  I was always greeted with warmth and kindness.

Seeing the dire poverty firsthand put the reason for this trip into perspective.  We went to India to meet needs that were spiritual, emotional and physical.  We met spiritual needs hosting a three day womens conference. We preached, encouraged, served communion and showed them love and freedom that is found in following Christ.  We met emotional needs by hugs, smiles, and gentle touches. Prayer was given to any who asked. Though there was a language barrier the power of touch speaks what the heart feels.  We met physical needs as food was distributed at two mercy camps, two leper camps, the conference and funds purchased five water wells bringing fresh water to villages.

Harvest India is an amazing organization that meets so many needs of the people.  I experinced how a small amount of money can accomplish great things when given to further God's kingdom.



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